Bonus Barrel is here today with our 2nd entry to "Boss Fight Diaries", the topic where we pick a boss character from a game and explore it's lore, boss mechanics (s0metimes), fan theories, etc. Leff chose good ol' Dr. Wily for this one - pretty awesome character. We take a look at his history, how impacts spin-offs, and even a look at the World's Collide Sonic and Megaman team up a few years ago where Eggman and Dr. Wily have a classic bromance. Great!

Other things discusssed in this most excellent show: Final Fantasy Explorers post story opinions, Digimon Cyber Sleuth initial thoughts (so fun), Yokai Watch Demo (Leff gives er' a go), Super Meatboy coming physically to PS4, My Nintendo program coming out in March, Pokken, and some Parodius talk. Man, games are the best.

Check out our youtube episodes too:

All of the awesome music and SFX can be found at the following:

Music in today's episode:

Mega Man 2 - Wily's Castle
Chibi Ninja and We're all under the stars (Erik Skiff)…ibi_ninja…flu…eflux_-_catnip

