Bonus Barrel is back in the new year! Well, recorded in the new year. So that counts. Rob brings in a random, unplanned topic this week. Intending to talk about open world GAMES, we instead mostly talk about what exactly IS an open world game. Sandbox games, MMOs, other weirder choices all get brought up and discussed. In the end.. do we agree? Do we have a good enough definition? Probably not, but we'd love to hear YOUR input. We also cover some news.

News this Ep:
-Sony Trademarks "Days Gone"
- New Mistwalker game in 2016
- FFXV inspirted by Last of US?
- Occulus Rift... Pricing
- Mario Kart Shenanigans
- PS4 Badass Sales
- Psychonauts 2 Kickstarter Success!
- NX Predictions
- A Boy and his Blob Re-release
- Clash Royale

Check out our youtube episodes too:

All of the awesome music and SFX can be found at the following:

Music in today's episode:
Chibi Ninja and We're all under the stars (Erik Skiff)…ibi_ninja…flu…eflux_-_catnip

