Bonus Barrel celebrates Winter Veil (or whatever holiday you like this time of year). We talk gaming Christmas memories, games we got and enjoyed around that time of year, and winter or holiday levels in video games. FUN STUFF. Leff tells another tragic piece of his past, Rob constantly says "melee" wrong, and Seigi gives more sagely advice. Also we discuss Undertale and the recent Gamefaqs Best. Game. Ever pole. There's weird stuff there but it made for a good talk. Oh! We also open some presents we got each other. They're game related too so I think it's okay.

News in this episode:
-Top 3DS/Wii U Games of this year according to Miiverse.
- Pokemon Go
-Earthbound costumes to Mario Maker
-No more Splatoon Updates?

Check out our youtube episodes too:

All of the awesome music and SFX can be found at the following:

Music in today's episode:
Chibi Ninja and We're all under the stars (Erik Skiff)…ibi_ninja…flu…eflux_-_catnip

Mario 3 World 6 Tune

