Guest starring reoccuring guest, and friend of the show - P1! When the BB crew is short handed, he comes to the rescue. This month is Leff's month, and we can all be happy that it's not "Historical" month. Instead we gab about difficult games. When a game is too hard to finish, mmo experiences of overwhelming odds, and all kinds of things related to that. We also talk about some other crap too - because hey, it's Bonus Barrel.

Chibi Ninja and We're all under the stars (Erik Skiff)…ibi_ninja…flu…eflux_-_catnip



It's worth nothing, and it should be obvious, but all the views on this show are by us and us only. Any pathetic attempt at comedy should be taken in consideration.

Our "damage" segment is a recommendation system only, and not so much on the quality of game. Any game can be good to any one, and any can be bad, so it's all entirely subjective. What I am saying is don't listen to us. I mean, listen to the show, by all means. Just, you know, consider your own opinion over ours.