Welcome to this episode of Bonus Barrel!

In this episode we talk about all kinds of things! News! E3 Hype! A discussion about hard games we've played and how we feel about them, we reveal our favorite over-all consoles and our favorite retro consoles. We talk about some pick ups (retro and new stuff), we do a cover analysis of Blast Chamber and finally we read some old-ass letters from a 2001 Playstation Magazine.

Like and Follow us at https://www.facebook.com/BonusBarrel
and https://twitter.com/BonusBarrel ! And also subscribing and reviewing at itunes is extremely appreciated as well: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/bonus-barrel/id966204381

Links to Articles Discussed:

Bethesda at E3 -


Fatal Frame V coming west? -

Finally Links to:
Saturday Night Slam Masters -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOrnQSCAhG0
Blast Chamber -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gDSlP__tNk

Music in today's episode:
Chibi Ninja and We're all under the stars (Erik Skiff) https://soundcloud.com/eric-skiff

Music From Games Discussed -
Mekazoo Trailer Music
Saturday Night Slam Masters - Calgary
Blast Chamber

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