Our heroes are back to deal with Tyler being hungover and lame, talk about Ryan (treesicle) coming to visit Tyler, some douchey Portland whiskey club, Mike’s epic road trip to Portland where he WONT be going to said douchey whiskey club, Mike’s first epic road trip to San Diego, the weather disaster that will end the world, the northeast getting smoked out, Tyler’s never seen a wasp nest, Spiders, Trump’s new indictment and what that means, the republican war path, church donations, Tyler talks to a rabbi, jewish news, tyler is a frog, jewish tribes, super interesting travel plans, tyler went to a ren faire, Tyler’s terrible ocarina (i’m so sorry,) true crime news! Defining 3rd degree sexual abuse, anime week, barefoot gen, mike month, Iron blooded orphans, the NANA video, Goblin slayer side story year one, Street Fighter 6 is awesome, and much more!


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