2:04:24 - Steve Carney from Steve Carney Outdoors talks about the 2023 Minnesota Fishing Opener happening from May 13th - 14th. 

2:18:13 - WDAY Ag Director Bridgette Readel reports on the latest agriculture news.

2:33:16 -  Fargo Marathon Executive Director Mark Knutson.The marathon is taking place on May 15th through the 20th. Registration is open to all. If you want to sign up you can use this link.

3:04:41 - North Dakota Family Alliance Executive Director Mark Jorritsma talks to Bonnie and Jeff about the 2023 NDFA Faith, Family, and Freedom Dessert Gala happening on May 16th at Delta by Marriott with special guest Former Governor Mike Huckabee.

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