In This Episode We'll Discuss:

Ohioan Mythology

Intergalactic Rodeo: Save a Spaceship, Ride an Alien

Cock Pockets 101

One hand on the book, one on a rosary

Monsters in Love: Lost in the Labyrinth, A Paranormal Monster Romance Anthology!

In our first ever anthology selection we each picked one story to read and share. Rachel discusses "My Vieled Pursuer" by Opal Fairchild and Cara discusses "The Den" by Atlas Rose. These stories were straight up wild!

We also discussed two charity anthologies that recently released: Fierce Hearts and Adamant Spirits. Each anthology states that: all proceeds (100%) will be donated to the International Rescue Committee (or a similar charity should IRC become unavailable), which in turn will be directed to supporting humanitarian efforts on behalf of the Ukrainian people.

If you'd like to email questions, comments or book suggestions you can do so at [email protected]