Today 1:00-2:00 pm EST 10am-1pm PDT 6pm-7pm BST bombshellradio.comBombshell Radio Today's Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) #TheHeartGoesBoom, #Dj, #AlexGreen , #Alternative , #PostPunk, #Rock, #IndieRock, #Radioshow, #CoconutWater , #Indie, #CollegeRock, #BombshellRadioThe Heart Goes Boom THURSDAYS THE HEART GOES BOOM New show THGB 102! with host Alex GreenThe Heart Goes Boom on Bombshell Radio Thursdays 1pm-2pm EST 10am-11am PDT bombshellradio.comTHGB 00102The Whigs—Say HelloThe Lemonheads—Pin Yr HeartKay Hanley—SatelliteHarlem Shakes—Red Rights HandsThe Trews—Vintage LoveModern Space—Rule BrittaniaTemper Trap—Modern LoveDavid Mead—Ordinary LifeMiniature Tigers—The WolfAndrew’s Motive--SaraVampire Weekend—I Think U R A Contra