Thursday's 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST stereoembersmagazine.comStereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio

“They Knew I Wasn’t Go To Be An Anthropologist”
Ellen Starski’s major in college was Anthropology, but midway through herstudies it became very clear to her parents that she wasn’t going to bean anthropologist. She was going to be a musician. Her dad might have hada hunch she would be headed that direction when he gave her a guitar duringher freshman year, but either way, Starski’s calling was an artistic one andwhether she was strumming that guitar in her dorm room or later on fronting a bluesband in a bar, it was clear that her future was going to be in music. Althoughthe Pennsylvania born Starski didn’t end up having a career that studied the evolutionof human biology, evolution has been a big part of her musical career. In just twoalbums Starski’s sound has transformed from indie folk to an orchestral blend oftextured pop that’s filled with nuance and soul. In this conversation Starski talksto Alex about motherhood, stillness and why she loves the Eurythmics. She alsotalks about the importance of travel, self-discipline and learning chords in Nova Scotia….