Today 5pm-6pm EST 10pm-11pm BST 2pm-3pm PDT Bombshell Radio Repeats 5am EST #Rock #Radio #alternative #Classics #NewMusic #AllenBell #Interviews Today's Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) #interview w/ Cat Clyde Cat Clyde is a brand new artist out of Stratford, Ontario. A fresh take on the classic sounds of yesteryear; breathing new life into the velvety vocal, tack-piano, slide-guitar-style that can instantly walk you through the swinging doors of a packed saloon. With influences ranging from Etta James to Janis Joplin to Lead Belly; hers is a mix that goes down smoother than a neat glass of mellow Kentucky bourbon. No longer do you need to reach for your trusty sifting pan and river boots to find gold. You just need to know one name. Cat Clyde.