In this episode Amber Hurdle discusses the foundational elements a female entrepreneur needs to know to promote her business to the media. In part one of this three-part series, she outlines exactly what you need to do before ever pitching your product or service to various media outlets.


Know Your Reader: This is foundational. You should know what to say to solve their problems and what motivates them, as well as which outlets they watch, listen to and read. If you can’t tell a media outlet what showcasing what you do or sell will do for their audience THEY WON’T feature you!


Grow Your Squad as Early as Possible


Create Content


Create content to show your expertise and establish authority, as well as show your personality and build trust. You can also test content. Building your OWN content will create a home base (also known as your website) and give you a solid idea of what people respond to. Consider it a smaller test group to prepare you for larger, broader audiences (that you will encounter in new markets via media opportunities) with whom you are not familiar. Not sure how to start your website? Checkout Episode 16 with Anthony Tran here:


Leverage Social Media


Growing your social media audience and engagement will show media outlets that people already find you interesting, thus increasing your chances of getting picked up for a story.


To learn more specific strategies for social media, be sure to listen to episodes 26: Social Media Strategies and ROI with Brian Boyd and 33: How Social Media Can Drive your Business with Laura Roeder.


Via social media you can share your content, drive traffic back to your website, build your email list, ask questions, show behind the scenes of our company (everyone is at least a little nosey or at least curious) and test content and topics. Be sure to interact with your audience there, not just create posts for the sake of it. As Laura Roeder encourages in episode 33, it is wise to schedule your posts so you can use your social media time actually interacting with your followers.


Just remember that social media is rented property. You do not own your content, nor your audience information, so be sure to direct people back to your website. By directing back to your website you can then grow your email list and talk to your squad right in their inbox. Social media is best used to promote you just like you’d want traditional media to promote you. You don’t get to keep the names and access of the people who watch you on a morning show, and you don’t get to “keep” your Facebook followers, either!


Set Promotion Goals


When investing your time, energy, money or other resources you want to be sure you know why you’re doing it...and if you’re in business...hint: it should turn green in the end. If you are just stroking your ego, your business will not prosper from it.

Sample goals include:


-Building a media foundation for future promotions

-Selling your product or service

-Gaining credibility or authority to build your brand recognition (and then ultimately your sales)


Then, you have to decide what success looks like to you. How will you know you’re successful? Television coverage? A local newspaper article? Blogs galore? Podcast coverage? Spell it out so you know what you are working towards and whether or not your efforts are effective. And name that end game, too! How will it eventually turn green? You should be able to fill in these blanks: I want to ________ so that I can _______.


Set Media Wish List


Be realistic about who will have interest in your business, but be brave and stretch yourself. Go where your audience is! Ideas include:


-Local/regional newspapers

-Magazines (local, regional and national)

-Television (local, regional and national)

-Radio (local, regional and national or syndicated)

-New Media like You Tube, blogs, podcasts


Make friends with producers and reporters on social media. Share their content. Respond to HARO ( inquiries and be helpful. Show interest in their current pieces before you expect them to cover your business.


Determine Your Media Coverage Timing


Back into your launch date, then determine when you need to pitch longer lead outlets (like magazines), shorter lead outlets (like television or podcasts) or in the moment opportunities (like news-relevant coverage or with bloggers who may not have a content calendar planned well in advance).


With these foundational elements figured out, you can take the next step in executing an awesome media plan! Of course, be sure to tune into the next episode to find out exactly what to do next.


In the meantime, check out my media page ( to get an idea of the various ways you can be covered.


Also, be sure to come see me at my next author event at Parnassus Books in Nashville! I’d love to meet you in person! And if I’m not candy enough, Parnassus Books is co-owned by novelist Ann Patchett and her business partner, Karen Hayes. No big deal. An independent bookstore owned by two women, one of whom is a New York Times best selling author and the other, a publishing industry vet.


By attending (and buying a book from them), you will support me, an independent/local retailer AND other female entrepreneurs! (I plan to do some giveaways, too!) Don't miss it!


Details can be found on my Facebook page:


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