Hello, everyone! Today, I want to share with you 10 different tools that I think are important to have for your electric bike. Not while you're riding, but things you should have at home in your garage, just in case you need them. Tool number one on my list is definitely the most common thing that you're ever going to use.

This is the Area 13 Ebikes Podcast.

In today’s episode you’ll learn more about: 

What are the top tools I recommend to carry with you on a ride and to have at home.  Info on where you can get some of these tools with Area 13 Ebikes.  What do the tools do to assist you in your ebike maintenance. Where you can find some of these tools and how this can help save you some money.  What are the tools used for and when you might need them. Why it's better to be prepared - even as a new ebike rider.  And so much more! 

We're talking all about tools this week. We have some specials going on, on tools on our website. So check out some of those deals again, Area 13 Ebikes Dot Com. 

I hope this list helps. These 10 tools I mentioned are not all specific things that we sell. They are just things that I recommend. 

And I think that you should have thanks again for listening to another episode of the Area 13 Podcast. Everything we do is about electric bikes. If you want to learn more about electric bikes from our podcast, specifically, make sure to go to e bike podcast dot com. Once again, that's ebike podcast dot com.

That's how you can sign up for our newsletter. We will send you new emails when new podcast episodes come out every single Tuesday. Thank you very much. And I will talk to you again soon

Links from Area 13 Ebikes

Get some of these tools on sale this week: https://area13ebikes.com/

Buy or sell your ebike easily: 


Sign up for Upcoming Podcast Episodes: www.ebikepodcast.com

Subscribe to The Area 13 Ebikes YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/area13ebikes?sub_confirmation=1

Find your perfect Area 13 Ebike: https://www.area13ebikes.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/area13ebikes

The Area 13 Ebikes Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/868947773245145/

Who do you want me to interview for The Area 13 Ebikes Podcast? Let us know!

Submit the contact information and stories about those ebike adventures to the team at [email protected] and let us know you want to be on the show!