To keep up with the speed of disruption, businesses need to build their culture around adaptability. And there have emerged several ways to do that. From enriching employees with environments that emphasize learning to giving leaders a better perspective of what their customer-focused employees are handling daily, we’ve learned that understanding dynamics and empowering individuals are the keys to finding success in the future of operations. Join digital transformation expert Kieran Gilmurray and senior analyst Shelly Kramer as they share their perspective on what a disrupted operations model has already started to look like.


Key Takeaways:

[1:40] How exactly do leaders need to rethink their strategies? Kieran suggests that the days of digitally transforming an organization isn’t a technology problem as much as a change in the way management communicates, and bringing in a vision that involves everybody on the team to play their part in the organization.

[2:49] How do operations leaders need to get accustomed and adapt to this broader world of information and innovation?

[5:44] While leaders need to get closer to their teams, they also need to offer their workers more freedom to grow, innovate, and serve the customer.

[6:20] As a leader, you need to empower individuals.

[7:21] What is a citizen developer? And what exactly is a citizen dentist, and where do we need our hyper-specialized employees? Would we want one working on our teeth?

[9:36] Great leaders will recognize that everybody has a role in shaping the organization.

[13:48] Shelly explains how right now, it is very much an employee’s game, and while we are seeing that hybrid work is working, it’s critical for leaders to listen if they want to retain the right talent.

[17:25] The employee-centric mindset, like the customer-centric mindset, can’t disappear in a sea of high-level ideas and associated jargon.

[19:12] The challenge for organizations is going to be bringing the tools of technology together with a way to solve a customer problem.



“I feel adaptability is going to be a key component.” — Kieran [3:06] “My job, as I see it, as a leader and a manager now is to actually hire the right people and give them all the skills that they need to coach and mentor and to clear the obstacles in their path.” — Kieran [6:08] “Our low-code and no-code users will not only become more independent, empowered, and creative problem solvers, but also become citizen educators.” — Francis [11:11] “What we are seeing broadly in the marketplace is that hybrid works. In many instances, hybrid works as well as, if not better than 100% in the office. The reality of it is, if you want to attract and retain talent, you have to listen to what the workforce is telling you what they want and need.” — Shelly [16:06]


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Kieran Gilmurray Shelly Kramer