Real stories from forward-thinkers in business, tech, and beyond. When business changes, it challenges us – and necessarily so. This podcast sets out to see what success looks like when innovative minds rise to new challenges and excel in the face of change. Each episode, hear true stories from the professionals, leaders, and forward-thinkers who have looked past the traditional and into the transformative as they discuss the most pressing topics in business today.


Key Takeaways:

[0:11] Working is rapidly changing, and technology is shifting the way we measure success and the way we engage with customers and employees.

[1:04] We are your hosts, Jo Richardson from Pegasystems and Jeanne Ross, former Principal Research Scientist at MIT Sloan School of Management.

[1:20] The pandemic has accelerated shifts in the workplace that many people have been predicting for years. This is a major time of innovation, yet many people are feeling fatigued and exhausted. We are optimistic that if we work hard and keep learning, things will be better. Technology helps us be more productive and ultimately can allow us a better quality of life.

[3:00] There is much interest in what the future of work will look like, and we are so thrilled to explore it in this podcast series.

[4:04] The subject matter of inclusion and diversity cannot be addressed in an abstract way, and a lot of organizations are making great strides towards full inclusivity.

[5:19] On the episodes to come, we will explore the future of work, the challenges and opportunities we see, and we will talk with some of today’s best leaders out there blazing a path to a better world.



“It’s really important not to forget that today we have to be investing for the next big challenge.” - Jeanne “As a society, we learned how to take advantage of technology and thank goodness it was where we needed it when the pandemic struck.” - Jeanne “It’s a major time of innovation. It’s a time for everybody to think about what the future could look like, and what work is going to be like.” - Jo “Many businesses can now no longer just talk about inclusion and diversity in a way that fulfills what they think they should do in an abstract way. People are genuinely passionate and engaged on the subject now and a lot of organizations realize and are making great strides to make sure they are fully inclusive.” - Jo


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