Welcome to the Bold Moves With JB podcast. Hi! I am your host Jeremiah Bartlett. My friends call me JB, and you can too. 

Bold Moves with JB is a podcast dedicated to challenge you to make bold moves in life, to blow up status quo, and to change something. Our goal is to help you grow in your business, family, faith, and personal life. 

I believe the catalyst for creating momentum is to make a change. This may be a change to make decisions regarding your finances, a change in vocation, a move to a new location, or simply a risk taken to start something new. 

The catalyst for creating momentum is to make a change. Click To Tweet

Seth Godin in his book Tribes said, “The largest enemy of change and leadership isn’t a ‘no.’ It’s a ‘not yet.'” Many of you may be thinking of making a change, but you have been putting it off for whatever reason. I want to invite you to listen in on conversations I have with friends who said yes to making a bold move. Learn from our mistakes and success stories. Let this podcast be an encouragement to you as you plan your next move. 

For blog posts, show notes, and more about Bold Moves With JB visit Be sure to subscribe to our mailing list for launch dates, new posts, and giveaways.

Let’s change something!


Tribes by Seth Godin

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Welcome to the podcast.The catalyst for creating momentum is to make a change.“The largest enemy of change and leadership isn’t a ‘no.’ It’s a ‘not yet.'” (Seth Godin)