Should we worry about AI?

Connor Leahy is an AI researcher at EleutherAI, a grass-roots collection of open-source AI researchers. Their current ambitious project is GPT-Neo, where they’re replicating currently closed-access GPT-3 to make it available to everyone.

Connor is deeply interested in the dangers posed by AI systems that don’t share human values and goals. I talked to Connor about AI misalignment and why it poses a potential existential risk for humanity.

What we talk about

00:05 – Introductions
2:55 – AI risk is obvious once you understand it
3:40 – AI risk as a principal-agent problem
4:33 – Intelligence is a double-edged sword
7:52 – How would you define the alignment problem of AI?
9:10 – Orthogonality of intelligence and values
10:15 – Human values are complex
11:15 – AI alignment problem
11:30 – Alignment problem: how do you control a strong system using a weak system
12:42 – Corporations are proto-AGI
14:32 – Collateral benefits of AI safety research
16:25 – Why is solving this problem urgent?
21:32 – We’re exponentially increasing AI model capacity
23:55 – Superintelligent AI as the LEAST surprising outcome
25:20 – Who will fund to build a superintelligence
26:28 – Goodhart’s law
29:19 – Definition of intelligence
33:00 – Unsolvable problems and superintelligence
34:35 – Upper limit of damage caused by superintelligence
38:25 – What if superintelligence has already arrived
41:40 – Why can’t we power off superintelligence if it gets out of hand
45:25 – Industry and academia is doing a terrible job at AI safety
51:25 – Should govt be regulating AI research?
55:55 – Should we shut down or slow AI research?
57:10 – Solutions for AGI safety
1:05:10 – The best case scenario
1:06:55 – Practical implementations of AI safety
1:12:00 – We can’t agree with each other on values, how will AGI agree with us?
1:14:00 – What is EleutherAI?

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