There's a different way to draw in potential wedding clients that not many photographers are leveraging. Kari Bjorn is here to help us all learn more about the methodology in today's Bokeh Podcast episode!

The Bokeh Podcast is brought to you by Photographer’s Edit: Custom Editing for the Professional Photographer. You can subscribe to the Bokeh podcast on the Apple podcast app, follow on Spotify, add to your playlist on Stitcher, or listen on Overcast.

Show Notes:

Kari's Introduction (2:07)

Kari's thoughts on why photographers do not focus on proposal photography (4:12)

How does Kari photograph proposals without them feeling too "set up"? (9:30)

What does marketing and communication with the future groom look like? (20:15)

What tools does Kari use to find data on proposals in his area? (30:37)

What does the transition from shooting the proposal to marketing to the couple as a wedding photographer look like? (35:40)
