Does your brand reflect you and your values in a way that connects with your potential clients?

In episode 382 of the Bokeh Podcast, Sophie Day shares how she approached shifting her original brand, called My Lens of Love, to her self-named personal brand, Sophie Day Photography. Listen in as she discusses the significant principles to changing your brand and the different components of your business that a brand change will impact.

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Based in: Central Coast of Australia (00:15)

Client Experience: Make the time to connect and talk with your clients. (2:29)

Brand Position: Cultivating connection between you and your loved ones and capturing the calm moments for you to keep. (6:01)

Technique for Time: Set rules around when you’re working. (10:09)

Outsourcing/Delegation: Website & graphic design (13:31)

Inspiration: Walks in nature. (15:49)

Book Recommendations: (18:40)

Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson

Brooke Schultz Podcast - Desperation episode

Significant Changes to the Brand: (27:05)


Brand Messaging

Social Media Marketing

Principles to Changing Your Brand: (35:31)

1. Ask yourself why you’re rebranding.

2. Ask for testimonials from your clients to understand what they love about your service.

3. Make sure you’re social media represents your brand change.

4. Do research within your area on other brands.

Feedback that Impacted the Brand Position (43:23)


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