Do you love hearing from other photographers on the the latest topics in our industry? Introducing The Bokeh Morning Show!

In this special series, our host, Nathan, will be jumping on Facebook Live and opening up the phone line to allow guests to call-in for a few minutes of conversation around a specific topic! Guests will contribute their favorite tip to better serve your business!

In this episode, Nathan discusses the impact that COVID-19 is playing in the industry and asks guests to share one tip for utilizing this time at home to their advantage!

The audio from The Bokeh Podcast Morning Show episodes is from our Facebook Live videos. Tune into the next episode live on Friday, March 27th at 9:00AM EST, at

The Bokeh Podcast is brought to you by Photographer’s Edit: Custom Editing for the Wedding and Portrait Photographer. You can also subscribe to the Bokeh podcast on the Apple podcast app, follow on Spotify, add to your playlist on Stitcher, or listen on Overcast.

Special thanks to Haylee Gaffin, Rich Smith, and Andrejka Hirschegger for calling into the show today!


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