Are you struggling to be present in your personal life due to the overwhelming amount of work you're trying to accomplish for your business?

In episode 230 of the Bokeh Podcast, Lisette Gatliff describes the moment she realized her business was taking over her life. Listen in as she shares three ways you can start creating a healthier balance between your personal and business life!

The Bokeh Podcast is brought to you by Photographer’s Edit: Custom Editing for the Wedding and Portrait Photographer. You can also subscribe to the Bokeh podcast on the Apple podcast app, follow on Spotify, add to your playlist on Stitcher, or listen on Overcast.

Brand Position: Wedding & family photographer capturing everything from your “I Do’s” to your child’s first birthday.

The Gear Bag: Canon 135mm 2.0

How to Create Balance:

1. Create a distinction between personal and business life.

2. Outsource what you can.

3. Create templates for faster responding.


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