Are you creating unique, original work that helps you stand out in a market where everyone is a photographer?

In episode 225 of the Bokeh Podcast, Jesse and Moira LaPlante discuss why and how they created unique sessions, called Alt Sessions, focusing on the important interests of their couples! Listen in as they share their process with Alt Sessions and four key ideas to creating a unique experience.

The Bokeh Podcast is brought to you by Photographer’s Edit: Custom Editing for the Wedding and Portrait Photographer. You can also subscribe to the Bokeh podcast on the Apple podcast app, follow on Spotify, add to your playlist on Stitcher, or listen on Overcast.

Technique for Time: Mental Health Monday - Force yourself to do something fun one day a week.


Book Recommendations: 

Outliers by Malcom Gladwell:

The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut:

One Perfect Day by Rebecca Mead:


The Lesson: Find your niche & don’t try to copy others.


Tenebrism: Violent contrasts of dark and light.


Brand Position: Striving to take unique photos


The Gear Bag: MagModifiers & Godox AD200


The Alt Session Process:

1. Start each process with a “good fit” phone call to explain the idea behind the Alt Session.

2. Once booked, schedule another phone call that allows you to get to know them so you can plan a unique session for them.

3. Set the expectation that this is unique and anything can happen.

4. Bond with your couple through the experience.


4 Key Ideas to Creating Unique Sessions:

1. Start shooting for yourself, because you’ll start attracting like-minded clients and it will make your job so much more enjoyable.

2. Don’t worry about what the wedding industry tells you to do.

3. Don’t feel like you have to take every single client that comes to your door.

4. Listen to your client without expectations of what they’ll say so that you can truly get to know them.



Iconoclasm Workshop:



Mating in Captivity - Esther Perel:

Ted Talk - The Secret to Desire in a Long Term Relationship :

Ted Talk - Rethinking Infedelity:

Kurt Vonnegut:

Ray Bradbury

Philip K Dick

The Darkest Hour

Pride & Prejudice

To the Wonder