Do you find yourself overwhelmed in your photography business, working on tasks that aren't moving you forward?

In episode 196 of the Bokeh Podcast, Latoya Dixon Smith reveals how you can find freedom in your business by implementing systems that will save you time and resources. Listen in as she shares how you can start creating systems by answering a few simple questions.

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Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Workflow:

What is taking up most of your time?

Are you being efficient?

Is every task you’re doing adding value to your business?

Can you outsource or delegate it?

What is it that you need to do to run your business?

Eisenhower Matrix

Helps you decide on and prioritize tasks by urgency and importance, sorting out less urgent and important tasks which you should either delegate or not do at all.

Where Should You Start?

Make your client experience better.

Links: is now

BP Episode 149 with Latoya Dixon Smith:

Benjamin Davis:

Jide Alakija:

Kanayo Adibe:

Lynsey Weatherspoon:

Kahran & Regis of Creative Soul Photography:

Jessica Boyd of Guild Agency

Casey Neistat:

Jocko Willink:

BP Episode 63 with Tomas Flint:

The Level Financials:

The E-Myth Revisited:

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