Are you looking to break into commercial and editorial photography, but unsure of how to capture truly authentic images of your clients for publication? 

In episode 192 of the Bokeh Podcast, Lynsey Weatherspoon breaks down 3 important elements of her commercial portrait sessions that enable her to capture beautiful images that show the true personality of her subject.

The Bokeh Podcast is brought to you by Photographer’s Edit: Custom Editing for the Wedding and Portrait Photographer. You can also subscribe to the Bokeh podcast on the Apple podcast app, follow on Spotify, add to your playlist on Stitcher, or listen on Overcast.

Time Technique: Making an effort to rest and spend time building relationships.

Book Recommendation: Black Women Photographers -

The Lesson: You’re going to have a year where nothing happens.

Advice: Connect with photographers who are where you want to be.

Brand Position: Commercial portraits that tell a story.

The Gear Bag:

Canon 5D Mk IV with 24-70mm f2.8

Canon 5D Mk III with 70-200mm

3 Elements of Good Commercial Portraiture:

1. Psychology

2. Lighting

3. Research

Breakdown of Psychology:

1. Be vulnerable with your clients.

2. Care about your clients so they’ll relax.

3. Warm your clients up by talking them through the session so they’ll be natural with you.

Breakdown of Lighting:

1. Simple is best with soft lighting. (Interfit S1 with Boom)

2. Focus on the personality of the client.

3. “Let the person shine… not the lighting!"

Breakdown of Research:

1. Look for photos of the client you’ll be shooting so you don’t recreate photos that have already been taken. This allows you to use your own creative eye to create.

2. Look for articles about the client so you’ll have something to talk about or have a direction in which you’ll take the shoot.

3. Get what the client wants and what you want for your portfolio.


Photek Softlighter:

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