Are you looking to grow your photography business in one area, but nervous about specializing and missing opportunities?

In episode 184 of the Bokeh Podcast, Morgan Mendez of Lady Ilg Photography shares how specializing in your business can actually set you up for success! Listen in as she explains the importance of specializing and how to determine what niche you choose!

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Time Technique:

Outsource the things that don’t require you

Batch Work

Mentioned in this Episode:

Thomas Flint

Why Specializing Matters:

1. It gives your clients a reason to trust you without ever having worked with you, because they can see that you’re a master in your craft and you know what you’re doing.

2. It opens the door for you to educate other business owners in your specialize area.

3. It allows for more filtered referrals when your clients know what you focus on in your business.

How to Determine Your Specialty:

1. Do I feel as though my business could sustain itself if I had to take time off?

2. Am I passionate about what I’m doing?

3. Is what I’m doing lighting my bulb?


The Art of Specializing:

Amazon Prime: Jack Ryan

The Glass Castle

How I Built This

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