Are you tired of lugging heavy bags of gear to every wedding, sorting through endless equipment to find that one lens you were looking for? What if you could get rid of it all, and photograph a wedding day with just one lens?!

Listen in to episode 169 of the Bokeh Podcast, as Kien Lam shares the big idea that enabled him to set all other gear aside (and the busywork that comes with it!) and focus on capturing his clients’ wedding day with just one piece of glass.

The Bokeh Podcast is brought to you by Photographer’s Edit: Custom Editing for the Wedding and Portrait Photographer. You can also subscribe to the Bokeh podcast on the Apple podcast app, follow on Spotify, add to your playlist on Stitcher, or listen on Overcast.

Resources for Cheap Travel:

Cheapest Flight Days:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday

Two Problems to Tackle for Travel Photography:

1. Visibility - They won’t book you unless they know about you.

2. Value Proposition - What do you bring to the table that someone local couldn’t?

Principals to Photographing with Just One Lens:

Connect with and respect the subject so you can anticipate the best moments during the day.


Around the World Timelapse Video

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