Previous Episode: New Year Goals

Have you ever seen images of photographers who take their pictures with a huge camera while keeping their head under a small tent behind it? And the camera has what looks to be an accordion for a body? This is large format film photography and it is not a dead method. Ben Horne, YouTuber and landscape/nature photographer, has adopted this medium as his chosen form of photographing his journeys throughout the southeastern United States.

Despite the challenges associated with photographing using an 8x10 film camera, Ben shares how he actually enjoys the process and finds it as a form of meditation. His images require much more planning than a typical photographer and are all the more rewarding when they completed.

What's more, Ben Horne has made it his goal to not only make his travel and landscape photography a full-time career, he is months away from accomplishing that goal. But through it all, he aims to keep his work feeling "not like work".

In this episode of Bokeh Banter, Ben shares his stories and Joe and Chris talk about inspiration and traveling to the U.S. National Parks. As well as Ben's approach to keeping photography a passion and not a job.

Links from this show:
Ben's Website:
Ben's Instagram: @BenHornePhoto
Ben's Twitter: @BenHorne

Show hosts:
Joe Hy -
Chris Golden -
To hear more of Bokeh Banter, visit

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