We Get Results. SPECIAL RE-BROADCAST November, 2016!

Mary Singer Albertson Knows how to get Results and People who make things happen. “Be the change you want to see in the world. Be an advocate for people who have no voice. We are the ones we've been waiting for.”

Today's program is a repeat of the Nov. 22, 2016 show which aired 2 weeks post presidential election. My guest Sam Daley-Harris, the founder of RESULTS, talks about what we can do now to influence Congress for the good of all people. Sam is also a consultant with Citizens Climate Lobby,  and Friends Committee on National Legislation (now working on mass incarceration and prison reform.) There is also www.americanpromise.net working on an amendment (28th amendment) to get money out of politics.  There is important information for everyone-no matter what issue you're passionate about. Find out what we ALL need to do (past a mouse click on a petition) and of course we MUST ALL vote. But voting is not enough! The past 2 months I talked about the Indivisible organization and Guide with suggestions-find out more things we can ALL do. Sam Daley-Harris is amazing! We are the ones we've been waiting for-There's NO ONE else coming.

Sam says that the most important issue right now is why so few of us see ourselves as change makers.

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