What got you into spirituality?

I think we can all agree that the traditional image we’re given for a successful, happy life just doesn’t fit with the spiritually-minded person.

It just isn’t enough.

Sooner or later, the desire for truth and the urge to make a difference inspire us to look deeper into what life is really about.

Tune in this week for stories of people on the path – as well as our own accounts of, and reflections on, the great journey to God-consciousness.

Can you recognize some of your own story in them too?



Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence to discover the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms. Richard has appeared on hundreds of radio shows around the world and is the author of 11 books including Contacts With The Gods From Space and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Master of Yoga Dr. George King – his spiritual master.

Do you have a spiritual question, a story or an experience you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line at [email protected].

Discover more about The Nine Freedoms.