Journey Into Oneness  

Journey Into Oneness with Darlene Sowa. Energy Medicine Practitioner, exercise physiologist and bona-fide nature lover, Darlene shares ideas and tools to assist you on your journey to rediscovering your wild and authentic nature, as well as, the abundant nature of the universe. 

Monthly topics and guest will help you navigate these ever-changing times with new insights, renewed hope and empowering visions.

Topic/ Guest: Marian Edmond, facilitator of Women’s Medicine Circle joins to discuss, The 13 Clan Mothers: Ancient Truths for Challenging Times. Drawing from the legacy of the 13 clan mothers, Marian will talk about the importance and power of women's medicine circles and how they can help us speak our truth, stand in our power, and shine light on our own path to wholeness. 

She will also share her transformational experiences in working with the ancient wisdom of these way showers.

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