Welcome to Season 3 of the Body Wisdom Podcast with Dr. Michele.

This season the podcast will be focusing on healthy habits. As your host, I’ll be recording solo episodes which will answer some of the most common questions I’m asked as a physician such as “how do I build a new habit?” "which habits are essential to get healthy again?" "what can I do to lose weight?" "how can I look and feel younger again?" "how can I start exercising again if I haven't done it in years?" and more. I will also be coaching patients and clients live on-air, and conducting interviews with other health & wellness experts. Of course, I am always open to new topic ideas, so if there is a topic you would like me to address or if there is a question you would like answered, please reach out. Email me directly at [email protected].

Today Dr. Michele explains "What is Easeful Living?"

I hope you enjoy the show!

About Dr. Michele:

As a physician & surgeon, certified Ayurvedic and Autoimmune health coach, yoga/anatomy teacher, and overall health & wellness expert, Dr. Michele Summers Colon is an Advocate for Women's Health. Her passion is helping women help themselves to heal their body. She is the author of Body Wisdom: 10 Weeks to Transformation, the creator and host of the Body Wisdom with Dr. Michele Podcast, and the leader of the Body Wisdom Membership Program.

She has been interviewed and quoted in many prominent publications including USA Today, US News & World Reports, Health Magazine, Yahoo! Makers, and Bloomberg BusinessWeek. One of Dr. Michele’s greatest strengths is her ability to help women create balanced, healthy lives by looking at the whole picture. She combines the best of Eastern and Western medicine to create individualized health & wellness plans for her patients and clients. For over 24 years, Dr. Michele has dedicated herself to maintaining a private medical practice and providing exceptional care to her patients while at the same time studying holisitic and integrative medicine. Dr. Michele believes that food is medicine and that yoga, Ayurveda, and meditation are the keys to perfect health.

Dr. Michele has a Bachelor’s degree in Physiology from UCBerkeley, a Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences and a Doctorate degree in Podiatry from Barry University, and graduated from a Foot & Ankle Surgical Residency in Los Angeles. Dr. Michele is also certified in Ayurvedic as well as Autoimmune Health Coaching, Yoga, Reiki, Reflexology, and Laser Therapy. Dr. Michele specializes in Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Therapeutic Yoga to provide the most healing, relaxation, and rejuvenation to her patients and clients. Dr. Michele has studied Ayurvedic Medicine extensively and has worked with some of the best practitioners throughout the United States to bring Ayurveda to the forefront of medicine.

Combining yoga, Ayurveda, and meditation is one of Dr. Michele’s passions so that she can spread the word to as many people as possible that this is the path to perfect health.

Show Notes:

Easeful living is a habit in and of itself but it's also a result of the previous Ayurvedic habits we've covered. Easeful living is about being more present, more calm, more content, and more at peace. Easeful living is about being able to savor each moment and to tap into gratitude and the abundance that surrounds us.

It's about feeling so deeply nourished by life that there's more patience and compassion for those around us.

Easeful living is about being in a flow and having a deeper trust that you are taken care of.

Easeful living is a grounded connection to your natural state, your divine inheritance as a human, the basic teachings of heaven on earth.

When you notice stress, choose ease. The problem isn’t the problem. Your reaction to the problem is the problem.

Stabilize your day-to-day perspective in the expanded backdrop of easeful awareness, in touch with intrinsic plenitude.

Like a toggle switch in your nervous system, you live in either reaction or reception. The first perpetuates stress, the latter cultivates ease. One unconsciously meanders towards unconscious tension, limitation, and disconnection. The other intentionally leads to an extraordinary, heart-centric, intimate, and evolutionary life.

Allow stress, overwhelm, or anxiety to fade into the background as you focus on living into what each day unfurls. You’ll enjoy an extraordinary life and become an inspired leader for your future.

How do we do this?

It comes about from daily self-care and healthy routines.  

When we're not in an easeful state chances are we haven’t aligned our day with what matters most. Or maybe we're too busy and overscheduled to be able to slow down and enjoy ourselves. Maybe we haven't taken care of ourselves with proper food, the right exercise or enough sleep. Maybe we're stuck in a cycle of rushing and worrying and feel like we're in a perpetual state of stress and anxiety.  

Tantric yoga philosophy states that life is inherently supportive. In the yogic text the word niralambaya means - "never without" and it also means "without limbs". In other words, the universe has got your back; your job is to lean back into that intrinsic support and know that you have everything you need already inside of you. 

Another known thread in yoga is sthira sukham asanam. Which means our seat, or our state, should be steady and easeful.  

But most of us don't have this experience. We don't feel supported by our jobs, our partners, our friends or even life itself. At least this was my experience before I adopted self-care practices and a daily routine that allowed me to tap into the feeling of fullness because I gave myself what I needed to feel whole.  

Easeful living is created when: 

We are well nourished by our diet  We are well rested with restorative sleep  We feel good in our skin through daily movement and exercise  We spend time in silence daily and clear our minds  We practice self-love through self-massage  We take care of our body, mind and heart on every level  We take control of our day and are intentional with our time 

How would you craft your day to feel more grounded and easeful? What habits do you need to feel your very best each day?

Return to these simple touchpoints throughout your day:

●  Receive the gift of breath.

●  Receive the earth beneath you.

●  Receive the heavens above.

●  Receive a drink of water.

●  Receive the gift of the company you keep.

Relax and enjoy your senses. Your senses situate you in the present. Orient your senses to receive. Look for beauty. Listen for wisdom. Speak with connection. Touch with sensitivity. Now, allow your awareness to expand, infinitely, beyond your self. Situate your perspective to expanded, interconnected awareness.

These Ayurvedic habits get easier and easier, until they are seamlessly automated into your life, giving you back more energy, more groundedness, more clarity, more connectivity.

“Write a paragraph titled, “Who you want to become next.” Let your pen flow over the paper. Trust your desire. Don’t edit yourself. Read it in bed for a week, before you go to sleep and when you wake up. As you read it, if words need editing or the paragraph needs reworking, then go right ahead.“

– Cate Stillman, Master of You 

Click here for your: Easeful Living Tip Sheet.


Dr. Michele


If there is a topic you would like me to address or if there is a question you would like answered, please reach out. Email me directly at [email protected] or schedule a coaching call with me so we can dive deeper to find out what is going on and come up with a plan of action for you: drmichele.com/schedule

Today’s show was brought to you by the Body Wisdom Membership Program. For more information, head on over to my website drmichele.com and click on the JOIN NOW or WORK WITH ME tab. All of the information is there about my group programs as well as 1:1 coaching.

If you have questions about your health that you would like me to answer on air, you can email them to me or go to my website drmichele.com/get in touch to contact my team.

If you have questions you’d like to discuss with me directly, sign up for a coaching call at drmichele.com/schedule.

Welcome to Season 3 of the Body Wisdom Podcast with Dr. Michele.

This season the podcast will be focusing on healthy habits. As your host, I’ll be recording solo episodes which will answer some of the most common questions I’m asked as a physician such as “how do I build a new habit?” "which habits are essential to get healthy again?" "what can I do to lose weight?" "how can I look and feel younger again?" "how can I start exercising again if I haven't done it in years?" and more. I will also be coaching patients and clients live on-air, and conducting interviews with other health & wellness experts. Of course, I am always open to new topic ideas, so if there is a topic you would like me to address or if there is a question you would like answered, please reach out. Email me directly at [email protected].

Today Dr. Michele explains "What is Easeful Living?"

I hope you enjoy the show!

About Dr. Michele:

As a physician & surgeon, certified Ayurvedic and Autoimmune health coach, yoga/anatomy teacher, and overall health & wellness expert, Dr. Michele Summers Colon is an Advocate for Women's Health. Her passion is helping women help themselves to heal their body. She is the author of Body Wisdom: 10 Weeks to Transformation, the creator and host of the Body Wisdom with Dr. Michele Podcast, and the leader of the Body Wisdom Membership Program.

She has been interviewed and quoted in many prominent publications including USA Today, US News & World Reports, Health Magazine, Yahoo! Makers, and Bloomberg BusinessWeek. One of Dr. Michele’s greatest strengths is her ability to help women create balanced, healthy lives by looking at the whole picture. She combines the best of Eastern and Western medicine to create individualized health & wellness plans for her patients and clients. For over 24 years, Dr. Michele has dedicated herself to maintaining a private medical practice and providing exceptional care to her patients while at the same time studying holisitic and integrative medicine. Dr. Michele believes that food is medicine and that yoga, Ayurveda, and meditation are the keys to perfect health.

Dr. Michele has a Bachelor’s degree in Physiology from UCBerkeley, a Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences and a Doctorate degree in Podiatry from Barry University, and graduated from a Foot & Ankle Surgical Residency in Los Angeles. Dr. Michele is also certified in Ayurvedic as well as Autoimmune Health Coaching, Yoga, Reiki, Reflexology, and Laser Therapy. Dr. Michele specializes in Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Therapeutic Yoga to provide the most healing, relaxation, and rejuvenation to her patients and clients. Dr. Michele has studied Ayurvedic Medicine extensively and has worked with some of the best practitioners throughout the United States to bring Ayurveda to the forefront of medicine.

Combining yoga, Ayurveda, and meditation is one of Dr. Michele’s passions so that she can spread the word to as many people as possible that this is the path to perfect health.

Show Notes:

Easeful living is a habit in and of itself but it's also a result of the previous Ayurvedic habits we've covered. Easeful living is about being more present, more calm, more content, and more at peace. Easeful living is about being able to savor each moment and to tap into gratitude and the abundance that surrounds us.

It's about feeling so deeply nourished by life that there's more patience and compassion for those around us.

Easeful living is about being in a flow and having a deeper trust that you are taken care of.

Easeful living is a grounded connection to your natural state, your divine inheritance as a human, the basic teachings of heaven on earth.

When you notice stress, choose ease. The problem isn’t the problem. Your reaction to the problem is the problem.

Stabilize your day-to-day perspective in the expanded backdrop of easeful awareness, in touch with intrinsic plenitude.

Like a toggle switch in your nervous system, you live in either reaction or reception. The first perpetuates stress, the latter cultivates ease. One unconsciously meanders towards unconscious tension, limitation, and disconnection. The other intentionally leads to an extraordinary, heart-centric, intimate, and evolutionary life.

Allow stress, overwhelm, or anxiety to fade into the background as you focus on living into what each day unfurls. You’ll enjoy an extraordinary life and become an inspired leader for your future.

How do we do this?

It comes about from daily self-care and healthy routines.  

When we're not in an easeful state chances are we haven’t aligned our day with what matters most. Or maybe we're too busy and overscheduled to be able to slow down and enjoy ourselves. Maybe we haven't taken care of ourselves with proper food, the right exercise or enough sleep. Maybe we're stuck in a cycle of rushing and worrying and feel like we're in a perpetual state of stress and anxiety.  

Tantric yoga philosophy states that life is inherently supportive. In the yogic text the word niralambaya means - "never without" and it also means "without limbs". In other words, the universe has got your back; your job is to lean back into that intrinsic support and know that you have everything you need already inside of you. 

Another known thread in yoga is sthira sukham asanam. Which means our seat, or our state, should be steady and easeful.  

But most of us don't have this experience. We don't feel supported by our jobs, our partners, our friends or even life itself. At least this was my experience before I adopted self-care practices and a daily routine that allowed me to tap into the feeling of fullness because I gave myself what I needed to feel whole.  

Easeful living is created when: 

We are well nourished by our diet  We are well rested with restorative sleep  We feel good in our skin through daily movement and exercise  We spend time in silence daily and clear our minds  We practice self-love through self-massage  We take care of our body, mind and heart on every level  We take control of our day and are intentional with our time 

How would you craft your day to feel more grounded and easeful? What habits do you need to feel your very best each day?

Return to these simple touchpoints throughout your day:

●  Receive the gift of breath.

●  Receive the earth beneath you.

●  Receive the heavens above.

●  Receive a drink of water.

●  Receive the gift of the company you keep.

Relax and enjoy your senses. Your senses situate you in the present. Orient your senses to receive. Look for beauty. Listen for wisdom. Speak with connection. Touch with sensitivity. Now, allow your awareness to expand, infinitely, beyond your self. Situate your perspective to expanded, interconnected awareness.

These Ayurvedic habits get easier and easier, until they are seamlessly automated into your life, giving you back more energy, more groundedness, more clarity, more connectivity.

“Write a paragraph titled, “Who you want to become next.” Let your pen flow over the paper. Trust your desire. Don’t edit yourself. Read it in bed for a week, before you go to sleep and when you wake up. As you read it, if words need editing or the paragraph needs reworking, then go right ahead.“

– Cate Stillman, Master of You 

Click here for your: Easeful Living Tip Sheet.


Dr. Michele


If there is a topic you would like me to address or if there is a question you would like answered, please reach out. Email me directly at [email protected] or schedule a coaching call with me so we can dive deeper to find out what is going on and come up with a plan of action for you: drmichele.com/schedule

Today’s show was brought to you by the Body Wisdom Membership Program. For more information, head on over to my website drmichele.com and click on the JOIN NOW or WORK WITH ME tab. All of the information is there about my group programs as well as 1:1 coaching.

If you have questions about your health that you would like me to answer on air, you can email them to me or go to my website drmichele.com/get in touch to contact my team.

If you have questions you’d like to discuss with me directly, sign up for a coaching call at drmichele.com/schedule.