In this podcast Professor Thurman explains what are Buddhalands and talks about different Buddhalands, based on the Vimalakirti Sutra, which he translated and has been teaching for nearly forty years.

“Vimalakīrti’s Verses : Buddhalands – Ep. 64” was recorded on March 17, 2016 at the “Vimalakirti, Prajnaparamita & Avatamsaka Sutras” workshop at Tibet House India.

Photo by Benjamin Balázs on Unsplash

This week’s episode’s of the Bob Thurman Podcast was brought to you in part through the support of the Tibet House US Membership Community and Menla Retreat and Dewa Spa in Phoenicia, New York and Tibet House Delhi.


Free Online Book + Suggested Reading:  “The Holy Teachings of Vimalakirti” Translated by Robert A.F. Thurman available via

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The song ‘Dancing Ling’ by Tenzin Choegyal from the album ‘Heart Sutra‘ (2004) by Ethno Super Lounge is used on the Bob Thurman Podcast with artist’s permission, all rights reserved.