Tibetan Buddhism teaches that there are three kinds of giving: the giving of material objects, the giving of security and protection, and the giving of teaching. The giving of teaching is considered to be the most important one.

In this podcast Professor Thurman talks about these different kinds of giving, about the importance of skillfulness or intelligence in giving, and about the difference between the ordinary/regular and transcendent giving.

This episode was recorded on February 27, 2016. 

Three Kinds of Giving – Episode 61 of the Bob Thurman Podcast Photo Julien Ricard by via www.flickr.com.

This episode a part of the Buddhism 101 series using classic teachings from the archives of Robert A.F. Thurman to elucidate basic concepts of the tradition.

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The songs “Trance Tibet” & ‘Dancing Ling’ by Tenzin Choegyal from the album ‘Heart Sutra‘ (2004) by Ethno Super Lounge is used on the Bob Thurman Podcast with artist’s permission, all rights reserved.