According to Tibetan Buddhism, when we lose consciousness and faint, or fall asleep, we go through the same eight stages, but we don’t normally notice this process. In this podcast Professor Thurman explains what these stages are, and how they are experienced by us.

This episode was recorded on February 28, 2016.

Eight Stages of Dissolution into Death – Ep. 63 of the Bob Thurman Podcast Yamantanka image via

This week’s episode’s of the Bob Thurman Podcast was brought to you
in part through the monthly support of the Tibet House US Membership
Community and Menla Retreat and Dewa Spa in Phoenicia, New York.

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The songs “Trance Tibet” & ‘Dancing Ling’ by Tenzin Choegyal from the album ‘Heart Sutra‘ (2004) by Ethno Super Lounge is used on the Bob Thurman Podcast with artist’s permission, all rights reserved.