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This R&B singer was raised in Chicago, in the Cabrini-Green housing projects. He sang in the Northern Jubilee Gospel Singers with Curtis Mayfield. Jerry Butler and Mayfield joined a group which later became the “Impressions.” A couple years later he left the group for a solo career. Jerry was a soul singer, musician, producer, and politician. He had over 55 Billboard Pop and R&B hits. Maybe you remember Tony Orlando and Dawn reviving his hit “He Don’t Love You Like I Love You.” This was a very short interview and I don’t remember why. Apparently, he called and I didn’t have much time left in the show. We did have time to talk about one of his hits that he was kidded about by many DJs around the country. Jerry is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with the Impressions. In my opinion, he should be in there as a solo artist.