Would you like to know how a non-traditional path in Private Equity can lead you to establish your own investment firm? Would you like to learn how Board formation should be approached for bootstrapped technology businesses? Would you like to know how information can best flow between management and its shareholders through the Board?

Ben Levin shares what he has learned about Boards and investing throughout his career. By listening to this episode, you will learn why getting more responsibilities early on in your career matters, how to become the translation engine between management and shareholders, and how to develop your own style as a Board member.

If you want to follow some of the best growth investors in technology, check out what Ben and his team are up to at www.levelequity.com. You can also follow Ben and Level Equity on twitter @bslevin5000 & @LevelEquity. For more podcasts on how to build better Boards, join us at www.boardsnetwork.com and follow us on twitter @boardsnetwork.

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