In this episode, Lyndsey talks with Agnes Tai, Senior Partner of Yaozhi Asset Management International and an ESG thought leader. And Agnes has been a sustainable investor for many years.

The conversation of this episode focuses on stewardship and ESG reporting challenges and development in major Asian finance hubs.

Conversation Highlights

Stewardship in Asia Actively Proxy voting is just started in Asian companies, especially for E and S factors (4:00) Stewardship in Asia is just become active and rewarding (5:40)

ESG reporting challenges for Asian companies Corporate progress on sustainable reporting (7:20) Three Challenges in ESG reporting – lack of standard, confusing of various international standard, standard for data comparation, green washing, PR exercise, etc. (9:40) ESG Service providers in Hong Kong are not standardized (12:30)

What activities can be most supportive for ESG reporting improvement in Asian market Various reporting standard on market today (14:40) TCFD reporting is the focus of Asia market at the moment leading by Japan (JPIF) (15:20) ESG education and incentives programs in Hong Kong (17:40)

What are the biggest differences in HKEX 2020 new regime vs. previous ESG guidance Climate-related disclosure only (19:00) Transition risks, regulation risk and consumer behavior changes affect long-term reliability of business (22:30) New IPO are required to have “ESG ready” (23:00)

Guest Contact Information

Agnes K Y Tai