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• Mark: Basketboss
• Dave: Istanbul

David Arnott


After hearing Ken Tidwell in last month’s podcast, both Dave Arnott and I were impressed with his enthusiastic, optimistic, and forward-looking perspective on the boardgame hobby…despite being an old timer like us. Even older, I think! While neither of us can fully match that, it was inspiring and I asked Dave to consider the topic with me in an open discussion for THIS episode.

We recorded it on an iPhone in a church choir room at our SoCal Games Day venue. The audio is ok, but you can tell it’s not my normal setup. Also unusual was the lack of a show outline. It means that I struggle a bit to stay focused on the goal. Too often I flip it around and revert to talking about how new hobbyists can/should appreciate the old classics. While that’s true, I tried to remember that I want to focus on how the OLD hobbyists can appreciate the new aspects of boardgaming.

What are those new aspects? They can be the newest titles, designers, and publishers themselves. They could be Kickstarter and other new ways of marketing & funding. Perhaps it’s the prevalence of online play, or solo options. The rise of YouTube videos for rules explanations. Lots of things. What am I missing?

The games I brought to my work event, full of hope. Partially fulfilled!

• Dave: Is there a best way to lose a game?
• Mark: Gaming success with nongamer coworkers
