It's finally here!!  In this behemoth sized and most epic and quintessential Board Game Snobs podcast episode, the Snobs discuss, rant, rave, review and mention in passing these things: Enrique gets an ear infection from his cats, Bubba’s return, Gaby’s “neuroses”, Godzilla Versus Kong, emails and voicemails peppered throughout, random facts, Moonraker published by IV Games, Gaby and Jerry argue, Gaby made a poem, Project Elite discussion is started then soon forgotten about, the beginnings of the podcast and how they all met, and SO much more!! Be sure to stick around after the concluding music. Enjoy!!

For the bulk of voicemails skip to: (2:15:44)

Contact the Snobs to let them know of your adulation, ask a question, critique, chime in with a topic or simply to say hello!

[email protected]



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