In this episode, host Nalin talks to Rachael Blaske about Networking In The Industry As A Publisher.

We discuss:

-          [1:18] How Rachael got started in publishing.

-          [6:00] Her first convention experience, learning to network, and the importance of following up with people.

-          [8:19] Moving from hosting small breakfasts for networking, to submitting panels at conventions and starting to get noticed. From that, to hosting a unique Zoom event.

-          [16:17] Reaching out to people through a personal message before an event to engage and re invite them to attend. 

-          [20:51] Research panelists and their business before conventions to know what they are about and to have a starting point to make a connection. Being truly interested in other people’s projects and finding the connections their businesses need to grow, to help them. 

-          [25:53] Staying on top of announcements and industry news is crucial to be able to create new connections in the industry. Also, put yourself out there and introduce your face to the world so you can start to get recognition for your work. 

-          [38:50] The tip for introverts who are scared to put their brand and themselves out there is to choose the pace they are comfortable with and perform. A lot of speakers and public personas are introverts, have introspective jobs. So the key is to put yourself out there in the best way you can handle it. 

-          [36:38] Where you can find Rachael and learn more about her work.

Thanks for listening to the Board Game Marketing Podcast!




For more information on how to market your game, be sure to check out the Meeple Marketing Blog.