In this episode, host Nalin talks to Ammon Anderson about marketing for T.A.C.O., which raised $10,278 on Kickstarter.

We discuss:

-          [1:15] The inspiration behind T.A.C.O., and where the first playtesters came from.

-          [3:21] Being active in Facebook gaming communities and finding an audience for the game.

-          [8:36] Learning to “leverage” the audience you build so you take advantage of follower’s connections to find other audiences who might be interested in the game: Word of mouth marketing.

-          [10:42] The organic growth of an engaged community allowed for different dynamics on the Facebook group where people could participate and feel included in fun conversations. 

-          [15:26] The importance of getting to know your audience and of being genuine online while doing it. Not overselling upfront.

-          [22:27] Being open to feedback about your game is key for success. What is good for you, might not be for other players. How feedback made T.A.C.O. much better.

-          [31:01] The key was to be consistent with the ads and the organic presence online. To keep the conversation going. And word of mouth from people who were testing the game.

-          [40:17] How T.A.C.O. got funded at the very last minute!

-          [45.05] Where you can find Ammon and more information about T.A.C.O.

Thanks for listening to the Board Game Marketing Podcast!

Kickstarter campaign:




For more information on how to market your game, be sure to check out the Meeple Marketing Blog.