Previous Episode: BMore Toxic
Next Episode: Do wanna play a game?

Still haven't started watching anime? F*#k is you doin lor dummie? Fine we'll break it down for you. We listed our recommendations for ya'll. Anyone who is just getting into anime and for all you who are looking for something new to start. Romance, got it. Pull up, got it. Comedy, got it. Mystery, got it. Toxic, you know we got that too. Remember there is an anime for everyone, Enjoy! 

As we all go through this difficult time please know the Bmore Nerdy Podcast being 100% black owned is here with you. We hope that we can offer our listeners some type of escape, no matter how brief. Black Lives Matter!

As always a special thanks to Niles @Nillatron for doing our music. And remember to follow us and your host on social. Comment, Like, and Share we wanna hear from you. @bmorenerdy, @ga1axygr3g, @always_the_diva, @timeless_tjonez