Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write killer sales copy. 

To watch video of this episode, view it on Facebook at Best Page Forward.

Here are this episode’s read-along selections:


Author: Philip Rivera

Title: Suburban Luchador: The Cul-de-sac Chronicles


His minivan is his chariot. His mower is his weapon. Enter the whimsical world of suburbia's favorite underdog.


Meet the average Joe who’s a father to three, a husband to one... a hero to all. When he’s not fighting crime in his fighter-jet-cloaked-as-a-minivan, he teaches high school and patrols the ‘hood for story material.


In Suburban Luchador: The Cul-de-sac Chronicles, an ordinary guy conjures up extraordinary tales about his family, marriage, and teacher job. He's the man who's making mortgages, meatloaf, and the middle-class sexy again.


This is the anthem of those who envision mowing and mopping as legendary movie scenes. These comically self-deprecating short stories will inspire you to take a fresh look at the wondrous, valiant and touching moments in everyday life.

Dive into Suburban Luchador: The Cul-de-sac Chronicles and ride shotgun on a domestic road trip of epic proportions.




--Abigail's Targeted Tip:

Humor is all about balance. Be mindful of when, where, and how often you add moments of relatability and ridiculousness. 





--Other Stuff:



Want to submit your own blurb for consideration? Fill out the form at or send an email to [email protected]