Talking Peer Review with Dr. Peter Chahales

Peter is a newly minted Ph.D. from the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology at Stony Brook University. Peter is an enthusiastic and skilled science communicator and loves everything science.

Our topic today was peer review. We talked about what peer review is and how it works, and why it is fundamental to science. 

List of Peter's publications

What The Hell Was That?

Leon Letkeman, a listener from Islamabad, Pakistan got last week's What The Hell right when he answered with "earthquake". In this case, the sound was the horrific earthquake that devastated Fukushima, Japan. The sound was captured on a hydrophone in the Pacific 1,500 kilometers away in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s Vents Program at Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and Oregon State University recorded the temblor using the U.S. Navy’s Sound Surveillance System. This portion of the recording was 16 times normal speed.

The great majority of guesses and answers were some kind of rocket. The space shuttle getting the top spot in the number of guesses.

Way to go Leon!


Blue Streak Science News


First Dengue Fever Vaccine Gets Green Light in Three Countries

Newcomers to Periodic Table!

Virgin births may be common among snakes

Upending daily rhythm triggers fat cell growth

Poachers using science papers to target newly discovered species

Orchids give off human "body odor" to attract mosquitoes


False Positive, the science game with the scary name!

This week"s winner is nobody! Our crack team of science professionals were nil for one when both guessed wrong. Better luck next time!