Opening Word Amy!

It's election day here in California, but the Blue Streak Science Podcast isn't going to be stopped by such trivial matters. No, we are going to have our usual fun time of talking about the latest science stories and playing a few games for good measure.

During the recording a neighbor knocked on the door and my dog Amy went ballistic! So thankful for the editing capabilities of Adobe Audition. She's a good pup, but damn, it's just the neighbor. Relax.

It was another fun episode and we hope you enjoy it.

What The Hell Was That?

Karen Ha, a listener from Vancouver, British Columbia,  was the first to answer correctly last week's mystery sound. Congratulations. You have earned the undying admiration of the Blue Streak Science team.

Also, congratulations to host Ivy Shih for also getting the correct answer! And that answer is...what? You think I'm going to tell you here? Stop it. You're killin' me! No way! You have to listen to the podcast for that!

Blue Streak Science News

Universe expanding too fast - is it dark radiation?
New research discovers that the universe is expanding significantly faster than earlier work suggested. Are the precise measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation are wrong? Perhaps it could be another as yet discovered particle such as the hypothesized fourth flavor of neutrino? Or is Einstein's Theory of General Relativity not up to the task? (gasp!) Maybe there's a new force or phenomenon at work here?

Listen to this episode and find out...or not!

Supercharged Blood?
Cambridge researchers recently moved closer to mass-production of platelets – tiny blood cells with vital roles throughout the body. This ‘forward programming’ method was reported in the journal Nature Communications. This work could result in changes to many lives, enhancing current options in transfusion medicine.

Where did dogs come from? Asia or Europe?

For years, scientists have debated where dogs came from. Did wolves first forge their special relationship with humans in Europe, or in Asia? From the journal Science, researchers report that genetic analysis of hundreds of canines reveals that dogs may have been domesticated twice, once in Asia and once in Europe or the Near East, although European ancestry has mostly vanished from today’s dogs. The findings could resolve a rift that has roiled the canine origins community—but the case isn’t 
closed yet. 

False Positive, the science game with the scary name!

Once again, our crack panel of experts were foiled! You think you can do any better? Give it a try!

Shout-outs and Acknowledgments SciStarter

Last week I discovered a terrific organization. It’s called SciStarter, and their website is located at

SciStarter is a way for people to connect to citizen science projects around the world. I’m not talking just a few citizen science projects. This is the real thing with over 1,600 citizen science research projects and activities for people, regular people, to join.

It’s constructed as a database on their website so you can search by the category of the project, and by the location. Just scroll through and we are sure you'll find a great science project you can be an integral part of.

Also, if you’re a scientist or a representative of a citizen science organization then make sure your project is listed on this website.

This episode of Blue Streak Science Podcast comes to you from Santa Rosa, California; Cambridge, England; and Sydney, Australia.