Ryan MacLeod is a Nuclear Laboratory Technologist at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories.  Ryan joins Josh and Dan to discuss how nuclear energy is the cleanest and most logical power producer for the future, as well as how nuclear energy and Bitcoin complement each other.


Nuclear Risks and Safety concerns
Why Dan and Josh are basically MDs
Nuclear waste disposal
Small modular reactors
How Bitcoin and Nuclear Energy compliment
Nuclear Fusion


Paper Ryan Macleod spearheaded – “Small Modular Reactors And Proof of Work Digital Asset Mining in Bitcoin”
“Bitcoin Is A Pioneer Species” by Brandon Quittem
Jason Lowery Lecture “How Bitcoin Is The New Internet”
John Lee Pettimore Tweet Storm


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SUPPORT THE BCB PODCAST: We are live on Podcast 2.0 apps & wallets, including apps like Breez & Fountain for sat streaming. Tips are open strike.me/bcb

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