Graham Krizek is the Founder and CEO of Voltage.  Graham is an expert on Bitcoin’s Lightning network.  He founded Voltage to provide enterprise solutions for running Bitcoin and Lightning nodes.  

We Cover:

What is the Lightning Network
TOR (The Onion Router)
How Lightning improves privacy
Why Lightning improves the Bitcoin stack
Lightning Nodes
Lightning applications and possibilities


⇨TIPS: (tips also open on Twitter)

⇨PODCAST 2.0 STREAMING: You can stream us fractions of a cent via Bitcoin sats on the Lightning Network!  We are live on Podcast 2.0 apps & wallets. BREEZ Wallet is a great way to get started→HERE is an easy tutorial that demonstrates exactly how to do it.

⇨You or someone you know is interested in having your product featured on our show?  Shoot us an email: [email protected]


Graham has a BS in Supply Chain Economics from Kansas State University.  He worked as an AWS architect and data center manager before founding Voltage.  

Lightning Network Resources:

A Beginners Guide to Lightning Network by @Bitcoin_QA
99 Bitcoins Lighting Explanation on YouTube

TWITTER: Follow Blue Collar Bitcoin Podcast @blue_collarbtc, Follow Graham @gkrizek and follow Voltage @Voltage_Cloud

EMAIL: Send us questions, comments, or feedback at [email protected]

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