Last week at the Emerging Communications Conference (eComm) 2009 in San Francisco, a remarkable event happened: Jonathan Zar, Martyn Davies, and I (Dan York) all wound up at the same place at the same time. Over the 3.5 years since...

Last week at the Emerging Communications Conference (eComm) 2009 in San Francisco, a remarkable event happened: Jonathan Zar, Martyn Davies, and I (Dan York) all wound up at the same place at the same time. Over the 3.5 years since we started Blue Box back in October 2005, Jonathan and I have met at events, Martyn and I have met and Jonathan and Martyn have met. But the three of us had never been together at the same place.

Now the particular place we met was a "Dev Dinner" hosted by (my employer) Voxeo after the end of eComm - and we had some great conversations along with the food. Martyn produced his camera and we did record the actual event:

Alas, it was too noisy there for us to do any actual recording, but it was great to have all three of us there. For those who may not recall the history, Martyn was one of our earliest listeners and is the person who provided both the image that we use for Blue Box (in iTunes, in the MP3 file, etc.) and also the music that we use for the intro and outro. He's also guest-hosted several times and contributed a couple of interviews over the years.

P.S. And yes, Jonathan and I will be getting some more shows out...

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bluebox, blue box, danyork, dan york, jonathan zar, martyn davies, ecomm, ecomm09