For those of you listening to Blue Box, you may be interested to know that I (Dan) recently wrote a book for Syngress called the "Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks". In the book, I discuss the common theme that Jonathan...

For those of you listening to Blue Box, you may be interested to know that I (Dan) recently wrote a book for Syngress called the "Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks". In the book, I discuss the common theme that Jonathan and I have talked about on the show of needing to look at communications security at a higher-level, more "holistic" level. It's not enough just to think about the security of your IP-PBX... you also have to think about the security of your mail servers, your firewalls, your databases, etc.

You also have to think beyond voice to also including instant messaging/IM, video, presence, mobile devices and more. And... you have to think about them in the context of a globally-distributed IP infrastructure.

Information about the book and links to resources mentioned in the book are available from the books website:

I have also posted links there to two podcast interviews I've done related to the book:

Telecom Junkies

VoIP Users Conference

I am working on getting permission to run those both as Blue Box Special Editions (I have approval on the VUC session).

In many ways, much of the book came out of the three years of great conversations that Jonathan and I had with so many of you - and I have to thank all of you who have participated in the Blue Box community over the years for your questions, your comments and all the feedback. I hope you will find that this book continues that dialogue and discussion about how to secure our communications networks.

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