Next Episode: RSS feed back...

Ah, the joys of switching domain name providers. I transferred from one registrar to another last week shortly before the domain name was set to expire. Unfortunately, I made one serious mistake - I didn't check the DNS nameservers...

Ah, the joys of switching domain name providers. I transferred from one registrar to another last week shortly before the domain name was set to expire. Unfortunately, I made one serious mistake - I didn't check the DNS nameservers for the domain at the new registrar (GoDaddy) to ensure they were pointing to the new nameservers. They weren't... they will still pointing to the old nameservers. As a result, when the domain name expired at the end of the day on Friday, the web site was no longer available and had the message that the domain name had expired.

MANY THANKS to the couple of you who contacted me on Saturday to let me know about this!

So I fixed the web site yesterday morning so that "" pointed over to TypePad, where I host this site, and that all seems to be back in action. If you type in "" without the "www", it was going to a generic GoDaddy page but I've set up the forwarding now so that this should now redirect you to once the DNS propagation occurs.

What is still dead, though, is the RSS feed... which is rather annoying since that is what podcast subscription tools like iTunes use! In working through the issues this morning, it appears to be the issue that

Feedburner is not using the updated DNS information. The Blue Box RSS feed, which is is somehow pointing over to the old page. Yet the base feed for this site, resolves perfectly fine and does have the RSS information. (Please don't switch to subscribe to that one... I do like the stats I get through Feedburner.)

So it appears that I'm waiting for FeedBurner to update its DNS. I've tried all sorts of options in the FeedBurner settings, including the "Resync Feed" but nothing works because it seems that it is unable to get to the new site (because of DNS).

I've filed a help request in the FeedBurner Google Group (which appears to be the only way to get help). Hopefully FeedBurner will age out its DNS info soon and the feed will be back in action.

What I find strange, though, is that I'm 99% sure that all the DNS records had a TTL of 1 hour (and I'm 100% positive the new ones do). So my question to FeedBurner is - if that is the case, why aren't they respected the TTL settings of the domains?

I'll update this post once I have more information.

Technorati Tags:
feeds, rss, feedburner, google, dns, bluebox